Although at that place's always the discussion surrounding which live-action Batman is the Batman-iest, these conversations oft overlook all the animated iterations of the Caped Crusader that we've seen over the years. There's been way more than animated incarnations of the Dark Knight than in that location have been live-action performers and every version brings something new to the character. Whether it's incredibly campy and goofy, overly comedic, or dark and gritty, all of them have highlighted different aspects of the character. With so much multifariousness, nosotros narrowed downward the ten best animated versions of The Bat.

10. Batman Unlimited Serial

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Prototype via Warner Bros.

In that location's nothing inherently incorrect with Batman Unlimited and its titular character, only his entire existence seems based around the concept of selling action figures. The history behind this version of Bats is kinda fascinating. So in 2015, the Batman Unlimited toy serial striking the market place, taking its name from a discontinued line of toys from a few years prior. It gave Batman a bright color palette probably to take hold of the eye of any third-grader wandering effectually the toy department of the grocery shop. Only in collaboration with the toy line, the YouTube channel DC Kids started airing animated shorts starring this specific Batman. They were wordless, three-infinitesimal episodes that seemed to simply exist to promote toy merchandise and then those were followed by three straight-to-DVD movies. This Batman is a stern, straightforward hero, only he's also the type of hero to yell "Lights out Grundy" earlier zapping Solomon Grundy with electrical wiring. A perfect Saturday morning time Batman.

9. The Batman (2004)


But what if you're looking for a perfect Saturday morning Batman that also has a fleck of grit to him? That's where The Batman comes in. No, that isn't referring to Robert Pattinson's The Batman movie, but rather a whole other animated show that ran for five seasons on both Kids' WB and Cartoon Network. Now The Batman is a special prove that flew under the radar for most of its run, but managed to innovate a mostly compelling new version of the Dark Knight to build a evidence around. The reason The Batman ranks so depression though on this list of best animated Batmans is because the world around the graphic symbol is a lot more than interesting than him. This is a show that introduces new designs for well-nigh every major Batman character and manages to pull in some pretty stellar vox actors to bring them to life, including Batman legends Adam West, Frank Gorshin, and Mark Hamill, who all vocalism characters you wouldn't expect. But although this version of Batman doesn't stand out, the show is still worth a lookout to see how it tells a mostly serialized story over the course of 5 seasons and eventually morphs into a full Justice League show. Plus, this Batman got a follow-up movie where he gets to fight Dracula called The Batman vs Dracula , which is a lot of fun. The merely trouble with that is at present Robert Pattinson's The Batman sequel can't be called that…

8. Young Justice (2010)

young justice batman
Epitome via Warner Bros.

Immature Justice 'due south version of Batman sees the Dark Knight accept on more of a mentor part than usual. Yes, Batman'southward whole thing is that he trains immature kids to become his offense-fighting sidekicks and now has nearly fifteen Robins running effectually, simply Immature Justice initially put Batman in charge of an entire team of unique youngsters desperate to exist superheroes. Of class, the bear witness has evolved a lot since its early days and even survived an almost six-twelvemonth cancellation, but its ancestry saw Batman play the part of adult team leader who would give the Immature Justice squad their assignments. Information technology'southward a role that suits Batman perfectly. The show isn't actually about Batman, and so it doesn't identify as high on this list, but it does characteristic an all-time peachy exchange that proves the writers understand the Bat grapheme and his human relationship with his immature sidekicks.

7. Batman Across (1999)

Prototype Via Warner Home Video

And then this list is all about ranking the best animated Batmans, merely that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be Bruce Wayne behind the cowl. Batman Beyond was a new type of Batman show set in 2039 where Bruce Wayne is equally onetime and cranky every bit you'd wait. But with Gotham withal having that pesky crime problem, someone else had to footstep up and become the new, futuristic version of the Bat. Enter Terry McGinnis, a young teenager who eventually would be revealed as Bruce's son. Every bit Batman, Terry brought something new to the tabular array. Yes, he loved to piece of work alone and do things his way similar his predecessor, just he also wasn't as dour and had a much more open display of pity in everyday life compared to Bruce. While Bruce often allow the Batman persona consume him, Terry strove to accept relationships outside his superhero antics, and it gave him the force to keep going. Plus, beingness ready in the future meant a suit with more futuristic upgrades which was always fun to watch. And brace yourselves. With Michael Keaton returning to the role of Bruce Wayne after all these years over in the live-action realm of things, the calls for a live-action version of Batman Beyond will but continue to get louder, and then meliorate familiarize yourself with Terry McGinnis.

6. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016)

Image via Warner Bros. Home Entertainment

Adam West holds a rare accolade of being the only live-action Batman to also take a total-length blithe movie while playing the aforementioned character. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders and its sequel, Batman vs. Ii-Face , were two blithe films that continued the story from Westward's classic goggle box show. And it makes almost too much sense because in a lot of ways, Adam West's Batman is a cartoon graphic symbol. West'southward 60s Batman prove was a campy, cheesy hoot that leaned into the corniness of the graphic symbol, which is a far weep from the nighttime, brooding, and grim label we usually get today. So for West and his trusty sidekick Robin (Burt Ward) to return for a new animated adventure almost sixty years subsequently is something special. Only admittedly, this version of Batman isn't for everyone. Although this Batman probably would bring a smile to your face, it's not exactly in line with what the character has become in recent years. And even if arguably Batman works more on the darker side, West'due south animated portrayal reminds united states of america that there's many interpretations of the Caped Crusader and all of them have merit.

5. DC Animated Pic Universe

dc animated film universe batman
Epitome via Warner Bros.

While the live-action DC universe has struggled to maintain continuity and a singular vision over the last decade, over on the animated side of things, they've been quietly crushing it. The DC Animated Pic Universe is a connected fix of over fifteen films that are loosely based on New 52 storylines. Starting with Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox and ending with Justice League Night: Apokolips War , the series maintained a by and large consequent level of quality throughout. And although it focused on a lot of dissimilar characters, Batman was 1 of the driving forces for the overall series. Throughout the series we got to see this version of Batman handle the grooming and acceptance of Damien Wayne, assemble the overall Bat Family to aid protect Gotham, deal with his personal father issues in The Flashpoint Paradox and experience a Hush comic adaption. That's a lot of major Batman stories! This is basically everything yous desire from a Batman, and as an added bonus, you become to run across him put the cocky Hal Jordan in his place. What's meliorate than that?

4. Harley Quinn (2022)

Image via HBO Max

Diedrich Bader doesn't become enough credit for his Batman voice. His administrative, soothing vocals always embeds the Bat with the proper amount of gravitas and the work he does on the Harley Quinn goggle box show allows him to play the straight homo in a gleefully adult-rated globe. This version of Batman is more than subdued than Bader's other big Batman role which is coming up presently, but y'all shouldn't overlook this version of the Caped Crusader. Although information technology's played for laughs, the prove shines a spotlight on the complicated relationship between Batman and Jim Gordon and emphasizes the bail the two have created in their long years as partners. To earnestly examine Batman's relationships with other characters while also existence a vulgar, silly laugh-riot is a seriously impressive accomplishment.

3. Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008)

But of course, while Bader's vocalism acting talents are suited for a stone-cold serious Batman, he should forever be immortalized on the Bat Rushmore for his vocalisation work in Batman: The Brave and The Bold . This show manages to walk a very sparse tightrope between campy and impaired, and notwithstanding always finds a manner to pull off the right tone and that mostly rests on Bader's capable shoulders. This version has a lot in mutual with Adam West'due south Batman because of his tongue-in-cheek delivery and general demeanor, but there'due south something just overall more heroic near this version of the Caped Crusader. Batman is many things to many people and although everyone may disagree virtually what constitutes a good Batman, everyone tin can at least agree that Batman's a hero. The Dauntless and The Bold takes that idea and runs with it, making this Batman the most heroic and righteous grapheme in Gotham, framing the character as a role model upstanding citizens would want to emulate. He maintains a steely resolve in his pursuit of justice and zip volition ever stop him from doing the correct affair.

two. The Lego Batman Film (2017)

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Imaghe via WB

Volition Arnett is basically playing a caricature of Batman in The Lego Movie , painting The Night Knight as an arrogant blowhard who knows his character is love by millions and is constantly worried virtually keeping up his macho, cool-guy charade. And past itself, it's a very funny read on the Caped Crusader, who at that bespeak had become and then revered in popular culture that it was funny to see a version that knew how important he was and played off the paradigm of Batman in today's society. That itself is impressive, but then things went a step farther in The Lego Batman Movie , which still is one of the best Batman stories that's ever been told. Yes, the movie is ridiculous on every level, but it also goes out of its way to dig into Bruce'south mindset and feelings in regard to his babyhood trauma to assist explain his relationship with his extended Bat family. That's heavy stuff for a child'south movie! On top of exploring the inner workings of Bruce'southward mind, the movie also highlighted the Batman and Joker relationship and showed how much the two really demand each other in order to keep going.

1. Batman: The Blithe Series (1992)

Clayface fights Batman in Batman: The Animated Series

Was there ever really whatever competition? Of form Kevin Conroy's Batman is the best blithe Batman thanks in big function to the iconic Batman: The Animated Series . This show was a major influence when information technology came to the Bat grapheme and his characterization, style, and tone can be felt in almost every animated Batman that came after him. You can accept traits from all the animated Batman characters mentioned on this list and apply them to this version of the character. He's so many things all at once including heroic, stoic, dedicated, empathetic, funny, and scary, and thanks to the animation and the exemplary voice acting, this is far and away the defining animated Batman. And if the testify wasn't enough, then make certain to check out Batman: Mask of the Phantasm , which should always be in the discussion for the best Batman motion picture. Batman from The Blithe Series showcases the absolute wonder animation can bring to the table, and information technology stands tall among the very best Batmans of all fourth dimension, animated or alive-action.

The Night Knight, Blithe: Batman's Vocalisation Actors, Ranked

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